Virtual Instruction
Students within this model will utilize the Edgenuity platform. Attendance will be a daily requirement established with an Infinite Campus sign-in. A routine schedule for signing in and working daily must be initiated to ensure that students work effectively. For high school and middle school students, this will be for the entire fall semester. Elementary school students may elect to remain virtual or return to the classroom at the end of the first nine weeks (October 9). Each virtual student will have an assigned Schley County teacher to monitor progress and facilitate learning within the Edgenuity platform.
In-Person Instruction
Students reporting to school for in-person instruction will receive instruction from their assigned teacher. Teachers will be using Microsoft Teams and Seesaw for daily lessons to familiarize students with the platform and prepare them for seamless transitions to distance learning if needed. Teachers will also use these platforms to offer instruction to quarantined students during missed class sessions.
Schley County Schools are currently 1:1 for grades 3-8. Devices have been made available for students in alternate grades for virtual learning. During late spring planning, Schley County Schools purchased additional devices to equip additional grades/students with technology devices. Those devices (ordered on May 18) should be delivered and ready to distribute on or before August 26. A second shipment should be available after Labor Day. We will do our best to accommodate all those who request devices. A user agreement and/or insurance fee of $10 is required.
While cellular coverage throughout the county remains an issue, locations for WiFi Rangers have been coordinated with local agencies. The following “hot-spot” locations have been established: Union Hill Church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Andrew Chapel, American Legion, Pecan Village, John Lewis building (old elementary school), Board of Education parking lot, Ellaville Baptist, and the parking lot between the schools. Information needed to access remote sites has been posted on the system website and Facebook page. We greatly appreciate our community partners that have helped make this possible. Virtual and distance learning students now have this as an option for internet service. Our WiFi Ranger equipment is being utilized to power many of these sites. More locations are planned as additional equipment becomes available. All locations are open daily with internet access available from 9 to 3.
School Arrival
Temperature scan stations have been established at three points of entry for both schools. Automatic scan stations with facial recognition are set up for car riders and bus riders. Hallway traffic will be directional and duty stations will be maintained to help socially distance traffic. Temperature scan devices are set to alert at 100.3. If a student shows an elevated temperature, they will be separated from students, and the nurse will recheck for accuracy.
School Dismissal
Buses will load one at a time. Car riders will be released according to car line up in the elementary school and by grade for the middle/high school. Mass dismissal on one bell will not take place. Additional pick-up lines at the front of SCES and side of SCMHS have been added to help relieve concentration of students waiting for their transportation home.
Breakfast will be served upon arrival. Students may pick up meals as they enter and report to homerooms to eat. Lunchroom capacity will be under 50% for in-cafeteria dining at lunch. Lunch meals are individually prepared and in serving containers for pick up. Classes will rotate weekly between dining in the cafeteria, the classroom, or outside. Spaces for social distancing in the cafeteria have been marked.
Meals for virtual students may be ordered through the link provided by the School Nutrition Department. Orders must be submitted by 9:00. Meals will be delivered daily.
Masks are required for any student riding the bus. Students within the same family or bus stop will sit together in order to maintain groupings. Students may not change buses for an alternate afternoon location. They may receive bus notes for an alternate bus stop if it is on their regularly assigned route.
Transitioning Between Classes & Mitigating Large Groups
Teachers will change classes in grades 4-8. Students will remain in their cohort group within their assigned homeroom class. Elementary recess time will maintain cohort groupings within zoned playground areas. High school students will change classes in a carousel fashion in order to maintain low numbers within the hallways.
All faculty will wear masks on campus. Visitors are required to wear masks within the building. All students will be required to wear masks on school buses. Students will be strongly encouraged to wear masks while at school. In areas where social distancing is an issue, masks may be required for that setting. A teacher may require masks within a classroom if they have a pre-existing health condition.
Cleaning/ Sanitation Protocols
Cleaning protocols have been established to sanitize daily. Electro-charged sprayers with Ecovasive product will be used within computer labs between each class. Foggers will treat all hallways, common areas, and classrooms at the end of each school day. Classrooms will be sealed and marked after treatment each evening. Custodians will be using Re-juv-nal disinfectant. Gyms, buses, and playgrounds will be treated after routes and after classes. Restrooms and fixtures throughout the building will be sanitized regularly. Hand sanitizer stations are placed along the main hallway and at entry points. Teachers are supplied with hand sanitizer for students within each class.
COVID-19 Student and Staff Protocols
STAFF - Do not report to work if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been in close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) of an individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Guidance for Parents
- If you come in contact with someone that is a confirmed Covid positive person, and you meet the standard of less than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes ----- Stay at home 14 days. You are considered a close contact and should quarantine 14 days. Testing will not change the need for continued quarantine. It is not suggested that you test immediately and an early negative may only mean you are not positive at that time. Symptoms may not appear early.
- If you have a reason to be tested and are awaiting testing ----- Stay at home until you have test results. You will be advised from the health care professional what to do next based on test results.
- If you have fever ----- Stay at home. You must be fever free for 24 hrs without the aid of fever reducing medications.
- If any household member is Covid positive ----- Stay at home. This is a household exposure and a 14 day quarantine. If other members become positive during this time, the time frame changes. Consult your local health department or health official for further guidance.
- If a family member has serious symptoms, i.e. a high fever overnight, err on the side of caution and keep exposed siblings at home until you have the condition relieved or diagnosed.
- If a family member is quarantined for a close contact exposure, you must monitor that person for any symptoms. As long as the quarantined close contact individual has no symptoms, other household members are not quarantined. It is important to try and maintain distance within the home. This also means wearing a face covering/ mask is a good measure.
Faculty and students meeting the contact tracing guidelines will be notified by phone. In classrooms where a positive case is detected, parents will be notified by class messaging system and/or letter. Due to privacy laws, we will not identify any students or staff within these messages. We sincerely ask that everyone show respect in each case and avoid speculation.
Phased Operational Plan

Student population/ Proposed limits for Level 3 and 4.
Moving to Level 3 and 4 will be determined by the above percentages which are calculated by the total number of current Covid positive and quarantined students divided by the total number of in-person instruction students. If we exceed roughly 40 students with Covid influenced absence, we will move to phase 3. If the number of Covid influenced absences reaches roughly 80, we will advance to phase 4. Faculty absenteeism due to Covid among faculty and staff will also factor into this decision.
Community Spread and Limits and Risk Factors