Congratulations to our Varsity softball team as they advance to the Elite 8 of the GHSA playoffs! We will host Bryan County, with first pitch scheduled for 1:30 for game one. Game two is scheduled for a 3:30 start.
Again, we are going to have to adjust our car rider loop this afternoon. There will be one continuous lane of traffic that will be directed by school personnel. Cones will be set up where they were Friday in order to separate the game parking lot and the car loop traffic. Thank you for your patience and support of our student athletes!

Don't have a student code to shop for? It's ok. Just click SHOP NOW!
Thank you for supporting our school!

Help us reach our goals...the socially distanced way! SHOP ONLINE! Parents...SHARE THOSE LINKS to friends and family! All orders taken online this year and will be shipped directly to supporters. Thank you so much for supporting our school!

Shop your student's fundraiser link! They can find their link after they register at: www.ShopFund.com! Ask them to share it with you!

Congratulations to our Varsity softball team as they advanced to the Sweet 16 of the GHSA playoffs! We will host GMC Friday, with first pitch scheduled for 1:30 for game one. Game two is scheduled for a 3:30 start.
Again, we are going to have to adjust our car rider loop tomorrow afternoon. There will be one continuous lane of traffic that will be directed by school personnel. Cones will be set up where they were Tuesday in order to separate the game parking lot and the car loop traffic. Thank you for your patience and support of our student athletes!

Due to Covid-19, our annual Title I Meeting and Student Success presentation will be held virtually. Click here to view the 11-minute presentation. Make sure the volume is up.
If you have questions, you can email jlangley@schleyk12.org.

This week is bus safety week. Our students took time to participate in bus evacuation drills yesterday and did a fantastic job. Students were respectful and took the drill very seriously.
We would also like to say thank you to all of our bus drivers listed below. Your hard work to get our students to school and home safely is MOST appreciated. Please join me in thanking the following bus drivers.
Donna Bailey, Chad Childs, Jackie English, Mike Evans, Troy Fripp, Charles Greer, Michael Hernandez, Freida & Wayne Morrow, Chase Ostrander, Mary Robinson, Eric Sellers, Lamar Shelton, Gabe Theiss, & Lamar Wilson.

Please help us raise funds for our school! Our fundraiser starts TODAY! Students will come home with catalogs, but ALL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN ONLINE this year! Also, all orders will be shipped directly to individuals.
We need all parents to help us with these 2 important steps:
1. Register TONIGHT at www.ShopFund.com.
2. SHARE custom support links with family & friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text and more from your dashboard AFTER you register. Our goal is for every student to have 5 SHARES!
Watch these 2 videos for more information:

SCE will have picture retakes on Monday October 19. Virtual School students can also get their picture taken on Monday October 19 at the Board of Education from 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

SCE will have picture retakes on Monday October 19. Virtual School students can also get their picture taken on Monday October 19 at the Board of Education from 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

Today is an Early Release day for our students.
Pre-K car riders will be ready for pick up at 11:30.
All car and bus riders will be released at 11:40.
We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable fall break on Monday October 12 and Tuesday October 13.

We will be hosting a "pink out day" to support breast cancer awareness month tomorrow. We invite all students that would like to participate to wear pink tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Friday October 9, is an Early Release day for our students.
Pre-K car riders will be ready for pick up at 11:30 tomorrow morning.
We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable fall break on Monday October 12 and Tuesday October 13.

A big thank you to Mr. Louis Salters of International Paper for the copy paper donation. This will help our schools, teachers, and students tremendously. We appreciate Mrs. Mailhot reaching out to Mr. Salters and securing the donation. This paper will be put to good use!

SCE will have picture retakes on Monday October 19. Virtual School students can also get their picture taken on Monday October 19 at the Board of Education from 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

Mini Cheer Camp Participant Reminder:
No camp tomorrow! Please be at the middle school football game by 5:00 pm wearing your camp T-shirt. They will be called to the field just before halftime to perform. Admission to the game is $5. Camp participants get in free if wearing T-shirt! 🐾

Students in Mrs. Yarbrough's and Mrs. Mailhot's classes learned the truth about chocolate and vanilla. They read an informal piece and learned about the cacao tree and vanilla plant. Students then started a comparison writing to tell the likes and differences the two flavors had. They finished up their learning by enjoying some homemade ice cream!

Car rider parents, thank you for your patience this week as we have pushed back our opening time to 7:38 in order to accommodate for the change in our breakfast schedule.
We would like to remind everyone that the safest and most efficient way to drop students off is to go through the car rider line and not try to break in line by going through the athletic complex. This causes more congestion, disrupts the flow of the line, and creates an unsafe situation for everyone. Thank you for helping us get our students in the building safely.