Just in time for Christmas!!! The faculty and staff of SCE will be selling bed sheets until December 2nd. These sheets are 1,800 thread count and will be delivered by 12/13. If you are in need of some bed sheets or want to give them as a Christmas gift, please see any member of the SCE staff to purchase your set! The are also available for sale in the office.
about 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Our 3rd grade program will be held on Tuesday 11/19 at 6:00 P.M. in the ES gym.
about 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
The safety drill has been completed. Thanks again for your patience and support.
about 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Good morning! This is a reminder that the students, faculty and staff will be participating in a safety DRILL this morning around 9:00. Once the drill begins no one will be allowed inside the building until after the drill is completed. Thank you for your patience and support.
about 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Thank you, veterans...today and everyday! We are so grateful for your courage, sacrifice, and dedication to our country. ❤️, The SCE Family
about 5 years ago, SCE
Safety Drill Announcement
over 5 years ago, SCE
We are excited to host fall parties today! Parents, we will have a sign in station at the front of A-Hall. If you are wishing to sign your child out at the completion of the party, please do so with your child's teacher. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Third graders are studying American Indian cultures in social studies and extended their learning by researching how American Indians made and used baskets. After learning about how the baskets are made, what they’re made of, and the various daily uses for woven baskets in American Indian life, students wove their own baskets using yarn!
over 5 years ago, SCE
SCE First graders visited the Chehaw Zoo and Park last Friday. They loved learning more about the animals that live there and enjoyed a picnic lunch at the park!
over 5 years ago, SCE
chehaw visit
chehaw visit
As an extension to learning multiplication, students in 3rd grade participated in a Multiplication Bakery activity. Several classrooms were transformed into bakery related stations which allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge on using multiplication strategies. Student stations were Cookie Tray Arrays with the use of Cookie Crisps, Donut Arrays using Cheerios, and then students were able to become bakers with a "You're the Baker" activity where students created arrays using graham crackers, icing, and candy. Students were engaged and had a yummy timed practicing multiplication.
over 5 years ago, Jodie Leeder
A big "thank you" to all the family members and friends that attended honor's day on Friday. We truly appreciate your continued support! We are so proud of the effort these students have put forth so far this year! Thank you to our student council members for being such great hosts/hostesses!
over 5 years ago, Jodie Leeder
Attention Parents: All students will be participating in an emergency bus evacuation drill tomorrow. Please be aware that students may arrive home 10-15 minutes later than normal. Thanks for your patience and support.
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Car rider parents, please turn in front of these cones to head back up to the ES awning this afternoon. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Car loop
Correction: The car rider loop will extend to where the parking barriers end. Again, cones and staff will be there tomorrow afternoon to assist all motorists. Thanks again for your patience tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
We are thrilled to announce that our High School softball team will host GMC tomorrow at 3:30! With that being said, this could effect the car rider loop. In order to allow for game parking, we will adjust the car rider loop for tomorrow. You will not be able to make your regular loop, instead please turn in front of the cones that will be located in the first four parking spaces. Staff will be there to help direct traffic. Thanks for your patience and support of our softball team. Go Wildcats!!!
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Awards Day Friday! Please see schedule below!
over 5 years ago, Jodie Leeder
We will sell ice cream tomorrow due to early release on Friday!
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish
Third grade students recently completed a novel study on the book Because of Winn-Dixie. Students in Mrs. Howell's class demonstrated their learning by writing an Amazon listing for the book. Students were required to include specific details about the book including the ages of children who might enjoy the book as well as the name of the publishing company. The students also wrote a novel summary and gave their favorite quote from the book. Students completed their Amazon listing by rating the story Because of Winn-Dixie and by recommending similar books for others to read.
over 5 years ago, Jodie Leeder
Mrs. Waller's 3rd grade class recently completed the novel, Because of Winn Dixie. 3rd graders spent five weeks reading the realistic novel of which the main character, Opal, decided to throw a party after reading Gone with the Wind. Students brought in party food items mentioned in the novel such as peanut butter sandwiches, dill pickles, lozenges, and "Dump Punch" to celebrate finishing the book. A great time was had by all.
over 5 years ago, Jodie Leeder
There will be a lot going on this Friday! We will have pink out day, early release, and an on site flu shot clinic for those students that have submitted the paper work to their teachers.
over 5 years ago, Tee Reddish