Picture day will be this Wednesday, August 21st!
We are very thankful for Mr. John Greene and Schley Family Connection for their generous donation of school supplies for our students! There was so much we could not fit it all on the desk! Thank you so much!
We put our new awning to good use today! Thank you for your patience today as we got our students safely to their cars!
Coach Peavy’s class in action!
5th grade enjoyed their cup stacking activity with Mrs. Jones today. The goal was to promote team building, patience and endurance!
Attention Parents! Elementary School picture day for the fall will be held on Wednesday, August 21.
Mr. Rodney Wall, our new School Resource Officer, took the time to speak with our second grade classes last week about rules and laws. Second graders are learning about rules and laws in Social Studies! He also explained to the students what his job at our school is and answered questions! Thank you, Mr. Wall!
The construction on our awning is complete! We are proud to be able to provide some shelter to our students and our faculty in the mornings and afternoons!
It’s time for an Ice Cream Friday! 🍦🎉
Ice cream is now being sold on Fridays for grades K-5. Ice creams include low fat selections provided by De Conna. They are a USDA “Smart Snacks in School” vendor. All choices are $1.00 and selections are made with homeroom teachers on Friday mornings.
Day 3 was a great day here at SCE!!!
First day of school fun!
All car riders will be dropped off and picked up on the side loop. Paving was completed last year to create a longer roadway in order to pull cars off of highway 19. Parents are asked to follow the road down to the softball/ baseball field parking, circle the cones, and return to merge into the existing loop. For pick up, please have your car rider cards available. You will be given direction by the caller each afternoon and assigned a number for the position to pull to alongside the new wing. Each station will have a number to help give you directions as to where to stop. We do ask that you do not use the front drive of the school during the dismissal time and only use the front at arrival if you as a parent intend to park in the front parking lot and enter the building. Extra personnel will be on hand to help with this pattern. As always your patience and support is greatly appreciated.
The car rider loop will run as usual in the morning.
Thank you to everyone that came out to our open house tonight! We are looking forward to a great school year! Go Wildcats!!
Our PreK teachers enjoyed the photo booth at their Open House last night! Don’t miss it! 📷 They’re located at the end of the new wing and the 4th and 5th grade wing!
Tonight is the night we welcome our 1st-5th grade students and their families!
Don’t forget to park in the front or between the ES and HS!
Also, 5th grade parents, don’t forget your meeting in the lunchroom at 4:30!
We had a FANTASTIC open house tonight with our Pre-K and K parents and students! We are looking forward to great things this school year!!!
PARENTS PLEASE PARK IN THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING OR BETWEEN THE ES AND HS FOR OPEN HOUSE! We are so excited to be getting a new awning for our car rider loop! ☔️ 🚫 But we are still under construction for a few more days! Thanks for bearing with our progress!
1️⃣ Day left until our first Open House night! We can’t wait to see our PreK and Kindergarten families!
We are tremendously thankful for Ellaville Baptist providing us breakfast this morning!
Attention 5th grade parents! During open house on Thursday, our teachers will be hosting a "what to expect" meeting in the lunchroom starting at 4:30. You will meet your teachers in the lunchroom, have the meeting, and then you will go to the 5th grade classrooms for the remainder of open house. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at 4:30 in the lunchroom!