We have loved seeing all of your Wildcat spirit this week! Tomorrow, we want to WHITE OUT SCE and Wildcat Stadium for the game! Let's Go Wildcats!
over 2 years ago, SCE
white out
Please join us for an upcoming STEM night!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
stem night
We are so excited to offer these new t-shirts to our students and families! Check them out! Orders are due by September 15!
over 2 years ago, SCE
tshirt orders
It's Homecoming Week at Schley County!
over 2 years ago, SCE
Ms Shufflebarger's top reader this week was Kaitlyn, and the top IXL was Flint! Keep up the great work!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Mrs. Mailhot is proud of her top AR student-Tylee Kate and Top IXL Math student-Case! Great job! Mrs. Mailhot’s class also loved having their football player read “Duck for President” on Friday!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Congrats to this week’s 5th grade top IXL and AR!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Mrs. Hall’s class is very proud of Grayson & Montez! Grayson took the most AR quizzes & Montez was the IXL leader for this week! Congratulations! Congratulations to Bella! She read the most AR words in Mrs. Hall’s class last week!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Congrats to top reader and top IXL student Kenzlee from Mrs Howell’s 2nd grade class!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Mrs. Scott's 3rd grade class enjoyed having Matthew read to them this morning!
over 2 years ago, SCE
Congrats to this Top Reader from Mrs. Scott's 3rd grade class!
over 2 years ago, SCE
top reader
Don't Forget! We will be participating in "theme Fridays" to go along with the SCHS Varsity Football Game themes. This Friday's theme is "Glitz and Glam." We invite our students to help us "sparkle" or "silver out" SCE this Friday!
over 2 years ago, SCE
glitz and glam
Tomorrow is a big day at SCE! Don’t forget to wear your sparkles or silver for glitz and glam day! Our students will be treated to a Pep Rally! We are sorry that we don’t have room for parents to attend, but it will be live streamed on our Facebook page at 2:00 pm! Tune in! Also, tomorrow spirit items will be available for students to purchase at school. Items include an assortment of tattoos for $1.00 each, as well as inflatable, Mylar team spirit boom sticks that are 4" x 23" when inflated, for $2.00 a pair. Please be aware the boom sticks will NOT be blown up at school. If you or your child chooses to purchase boom sticks, they will be sent home in a baggy with the 4-inch blow stick (about the size of a Capri Sun straw) that is needed to blow them up. Upper grades (3-5) will also have the choice to purchase spirit bead necklaces. We want you to have all the information so you can help your child decide which item may best suit them. Thank you for your support! Go Wildcats! 🐾
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
Congrats to Mrs Howell’s second grade top reader and math students of the week, Taylin and Samuel!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
taylin and Samuel
Mini cheer participant families:   Don’t leave getting in the gate on time Friday night to chance! Purchase wristbands ($10 each) for the whole family in the cheer camp pickup line Thursday afternoon or at gofan.co. Then, enter the game Friday night through the concession gate to bypass lines!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
paw print
We will be participating in "theme Fridays" to go along with the SCHS Varsity Football Game themes. This Friday's theme is "Glitz and Glam." We invite our students to help us "sparkle" or "silver out" SCE this Friday!
over 2 years ago, SCE
glitz and glam
We are so excited to offer these new t-shirts to our students and families! Check them out! Orders are due by September 15!
over 2 years ago, SCE
tshirt orders
Iangtha Par read over 6,000 words for the week. Silas Par completed 14 IXL medals this week.  Both students are working hard in Mrs. Yarbrough’s 2nd grade class.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Smith
top students
We hope all of our SCE families have a restful extended weekend! We will see you Tuesday back at school!
over 2 years ago, SCE
happy labor day
5th grade students are excited to kick off the Accelerated Reader (AR) program for this year. SCE has many exciting rewards planned for this year. Pictured are 5th grade students from Mr. Bishop's class enjoying their AR books.
over 2 years ago, SCE