SCE would like to thank Mr. John Greene and the good folks at Family Connections for donating school supplies to our students. They will certainly be put to good use!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Smith
school supplies
It's a busy week at SCE! A few highlights are: Monday- Science 9 Weeks Tests, Scholastic Book Fair, Coins for Cancer, Homecoming T-Shirt Orders Due Tuesday-Scholastic Book Fair, Coins for Cancer Wednesday-Report Cards, Scholastic Book Fair, Coins for Cancer Thursday-Scholastic Book Fair Ends, Coins for Cancer Ends, Pink Out Theme Day, FCCLA Candy Gram Orders Due Friday-Teacher Work Day-Fall Break Begins for Students (and continues October 11-12) Students will visit the Book Fair during their media center specials time. Set up their e-wallet for the easiest shopping: The 5th grade student council at SCE is leading a campaign to collect Coins for Cancer! Please send any spare change to be donated to Friends Against Cancer of Sumter County, a local organization that assists cancer patients being treated at Phoebe Sumter.
over 3 years ago, SCE
book fair
coins for cancer
pink out
Our Fifth Grade Student Council is leading a campaign to collect COINS FOR CANCER! Beginning Monday, all students at SCE are invited to bring in their spare change to place in the special collection box in their homeroom. We will collect money all week until Thursday! The proceeds will be donated to Friends Against Cancer of Sumter County, an organization that works to supports cancer patients being treated at Phoebe Sumter. So, shake out those couch cushions, and let's see what we can do when we work together! Also, we invite all SCE students to participate in a Pink Out theme day on Thursday, October 7 to promote cancer awareness. Friday's Varsity football game will also be a pink out theme!
over 3 years ago, SCE
coins for cancer
Free COVID-19 VACCINE at Friday's Football Game
over 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
October 1st COVID - 19 Vaccine
over 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Oct 1st Pfizer Clinic
Out of an abundance of caution, we held our annual Title I Meeting virtually this year. The Schley County School System invites you to view this helpful information. Follow this link to view the 11-minute video.
over 3 years ago, SCE
Not only do the visiting Varsity football players read to our students, but sometimes they even get to join in a kickball game on the playground! Mrs Hall’s 2nd grade class had the most fun with Jalewis Solomon yesterday at recess!
over 3 years ago, SCE
class on playground
kickball game
Our Wildcat football players are back in the building today to read to our classes. Colton Brown read Trevor, The Very Best Giant to Mrs. Mailhot’s 2nd Grade Class. The students thoroughly enjoyed their visit! Go Wildcats!
over 3 years ago, SCE
2nd grade
Homecoming is still a few weeks away, but we know some of you will be eager to plan those dress up day outfits! We will be following the same spirit day schedule as SCMHS October 13-15 (Fall Break is October 11-12th). We can't wait to celebrate with our students!
over 3 years ago, SCE
homecoming week
Aloha, Wildcat Fans! SCE invites our students to participate in a Hawaiian themed day this Friday, September 17 to celebrate the SCHS GAMEDAY against Marion County. Don't have any Hawaiian gear, never fear! SCE will sell tattoos ($1) and pom poms ($2), as well as the Varsity Cheerleaders will be selling Hawaiian themed spirit items (see price list photo) Friday morning! Thanks for showing your Wildcat spirit and for your support!
over 3 years ago, SCE
spirit items list
hawaiian day
Don't forget SCE t-shirt orders are due TOMORROW, 9/15! If you need additional forms, they can be picked up in the office, or you can print this image! Thanks for your support in this fundraising project!
over 3 years ago, SCE
Don't forget...SCE students are invited to wear red, white, and blue TOMORROW, 9/10 to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary.
over 3 years ago, SCE
911  memory
We will use our Alert Notification system to share important information like school closings due to bad weather or other pertinent alerts and news. If you are like most you don't bother with calls or texts that you do not recognize. You can easily create a contact on your phone for number 98900 and name it something like "Schley County Schools" so that when you receive a text from our Apptegy Alert Notification you will recognize the number. This is a NEW number so please add it. Even though 98900 looks like it is missing some digits for a phone number, your phone doesn't care.
over 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Smart phone
Don't forget SCE t-shirt orders are due next Wednesday, 9/15! If you need additional forms, they can be picked up in the office, or you can print this image! Thanks for your support in this fundraising project!
over 3 years ago, SCE
SCE students are invited to wear red, white, and blue this Friday 9/10 to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary. 🇺🇸
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Smith
911 memorial
SCE is using a new program called MAP to better instruct and meet the needs of our students. Soon parents will see score reports coming home for their students. Please watch this video to help understand the most important parts of the score report!
over 3 years ago, SCE
MAP logo
SCE is selling t-shirts! Students came home with an order form on Wednesday. If you need additional forms, they can be picked up in the office or you can print this image! Thanks for your support in this fundraising project!
over 3 years ago, SCE
tshirt order form
Don't forget, school pictures are TOMORROW, August 23! Bring your best smiles to school!
over 3 years ago, SCE
picture day
The link below details the car rider traffic dismissal pattern. Pre-K car riders will be picked up at 2:35 from the front of the building (outlined in green). All other car riders will be dismissed via the car rider loop (outlined in blue). Bus riders will be dismissed from the Elementary School beginning at 2:40. Students will not be allowed to switch buses to ride home with a friend. All bus riders are required to wear masks.
over 3 years ago, Tee Reddish
Microsoft Store is offering free virtual camps with a fun collection of creative workshops and virtual fieldtrips to helps kids 8+ practice digital skills and explore new concepts. For more information please see
almost 4 years ago, Schley County Schools