A game has been added to the football schedule on 10/16 vs. Tift Area. Tickets will be presale like normal. Due to fall break Mon. and Tues. parents can purchase Wed., students Thursday and the public Friday.

Parent tickets are on sale in the front office for this Friday’s home game vs. Greenville. Tickets are $10 and each player, cheerleader and band member can purchase 4 each. Remember all unsold tickets are opened to students Wednesday and the public on Thursday.

Marion cannot sell Schley Co. fans a ticket. The reason tickets are limited is for social distancing protocols on each side of the stadium and the visiting stands will only accommodate the number that were given us.

Tickets for Friday nights game at Marion are sold out.

We have been allotted 200 tickets for this Friday. Each football player and cheerleader will be allotted 2 tickets for their parents to purchase Mon. and Tues., Wed. all unsold tickets will be open to students (1 each) and Thurs. the remaining tickets will be sold to the public.

The varsity softball and JV football games scheduled for today have been postponed due to weather. The JV football game will be played next Thursday 10/1 and the varsity softball game will be played on Tuesday 10/6.

Congratulations to our football team on being named the Geico/WRBL athletes of the week.

Student tickets for Friday's game are on sale today, limit 1 per student. Tickets will be opened to the public tomorrow. Parents, if you have not purchased you need to hurry because all tickets are open for sale now. Tickets are $10.

We are looking forward to watching our Mini Cheer Camp participants at half time of the Middle School football game today.

Here is an article about our Cross Country teams from last week:

Tickets are on sale for Friday's game vs. Taylor Co. Parents of Football Players, Band members and Cheerleaders can purchase today and tomorrow. Students can purchase on Wednesday and the public can purchase on Thursday. Tickets are $10 and there will be no sales at the gate.

Final: Schley Co. 20 Wilcox Co. 19

If you are unable to attend tonight you can watch at: http://www.youtube.com/c/SchleyCountyTelevision

In an effort to PROLONG OUR SEASON, temperature checks will be conducted at the gate, we encourage all fans to wear masks through the gate, in the stands and anytime you are in close proximity to others. Social distance when possible and when not possible please be masked.

Senior night festivities will begin at 7:00 tonight. Sr. Parents and/or escorts need to be at the double gate on the concession stand end of the stadium by 6:45.

All left over tickets for Fridays game will be up for grabs tomorrow for $10 each. Reminder to parents; if you have not gotten your tickets you need to come tomorrow before they sell out.

Today's MS Softball game has been postponed due to weather. It will be made up on Monday September 28.

Reminder to parents of football players, cheerleaders and band members to get their tickets today before they are opened to students tomorrow.

Reminder: Parents can buy their tickets for Friday night's game vs. Wilcox in the front office today and tomorrow. Wednesday, tickets will be open to students to purchase what is left and Thursday it will be opened to the public if there are extras.