What are examples of impairments which may entitle a student to Section 504 protection?
Medical conditions such as chronic asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or seizure disorder;
Physical disabilities and Orthopedic Impairments.
Students with temporary disabilities;
Learning related impairments and attention deficits.
It is important to remember that presence of one of these conditions in itself does not qualify an individual for Section 504 protection. The impairment must also cause a substantial limitation of a major life activity.
What are examples of Section 504 "major life activities"?
Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals who’s physical or mental impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities, including, but not limited to:
Caring for one's self
Performing manual tasks
What are "substantial limitations"?
This term is not defined in the act or the regulations and is left to each agency to define. However, the Americans with Disabilities Act suggested that the term "substantially limits' be interpreted to mean that the student "is unable to perform a major life activity that the average student of approximately the same age can perform, or that the student is significantly restricted as to the condition, manner or duration under which a particular major life activity is performed as compared to the average student of approximately the same age."
What types of information can be used for Section 504 eligibility?
Examples of information used to consider 504 Eligibility:
Physician's Report
Educational Evaluation or Assessments
Parent Information
Health Care Plans
Work Samples and Achievement Data.
Attendance Reports
Parents or guardians will be invited to participate in all of their student's SST, Section 504, and Special Education Eligibility Determination meetings.
What is a "reasonable accommodation"?
Reasonable accommodation in the school setting is an accommodation or adjustment of educational programs to provide students with disabilities equal opportunity to access the programs. Reasonable accommodations must be made for persons with disabilities unless the schools can show that the requested accommodations would impose undue hardship.
Who should I contact for additional information about Section 504?
Contact your child's teacher, the school administration, or Jodie Leeder, Director of Student Services.