Public Notice

As required by law, the Schley County Board of Education (BOE) will hold three public hearings as part of its process for opting out of House Bill 581. The first hearing will be held on January 30, at 6:00 p.m. The second will be held February 6, at 6:00 p.m. A third public hearing will take place on February 11, at 4:30 p.m. All of the public hearings are scheduled to take place at Schley County Board of Education located at 161 Perry Drive, Ellaville, GA.

Georgia House Bill 581

 (HB-581) took effect January 1, 2025, and introduces a statewide homestead exemption that caps the annual increase in property values for tax purposes. This exemption impacts property taxes for cities, counties, and school districts. HB 581 does allow cities, counties, and school districts a one-time opt-out of the property tax cap.  Regardless of financial circumstances, the homestead exemption is permanent if a jurisdiction does not opt out.

While designed to provide property tax relief, the legislation could result in significant funding reductions that would adversely affect school programs.

The Schley County Board of Education feels that opting out provides the best option for future financial stability. It would avoid issues created when more prevalent property gaps develop between actual and assessed values.

Citizens may address the Schley County Board of Education at any of the three public hearings. A sign-up sheet will be available at the hearings for those wishing to speak. There is no need to sign up in advance of the meeting date.